Find the Student Who Needs a Touch

A few weeks ago, you were encouraged to schedule days on your calendar to send a complimentary message to all of your parents about their child. This was to ensure that at some point, every parent gets contacted this year. However, it may be necessary to act today to encourage a student who needs it. While the school-year is still in the first quarter, reaching out to a couple of students could set a positive precedence and establish confidence that lingers well into the school year.

As you are choosing who is in the most need of a positive message, remember two types of students who often get overlooked for compliments.

  • The quiet students who never draw attention to themselves. They rarely get reprimanded, but neither do get compliments. However, they have feelings too; and they need encouragement to overcome setbacks that will never be shared with you.
  • The students who constantly attract negative attention. You may be used to speaking with this student, but it’s never positive. A compliment or word of encouragement may provide the motivation they need to improve.

You don’t need to flatter, exaggerate, or manufacture anything. Just offer a simple, honest compliment or a word of encouragement. There’s something positive to be said about everyone; we just have to make ourselves view others through a positive lens sometimes.

Don’t underestimate the powerful effect a teacher’s positive touch has on a student.