A Response to the N&O/WRAL Criticism of Opportunity Scholarship

Stronger government control of our children’s education will not improve the learning gap, despite the objections of those who believe that government knows best. In Ned Barnett’s “Admit it. NC School Voucher Program Is a Failure,” more government oversight of religious and private schools is the prescribed anecdote for an alleged lack of accountability. He complains that private Christian schools have no government oversight of their curricular standards and, therefore, are not up to par; […]

Technologically Wise Teenagers

Helping teenagers become technologically wise has become an urgent matter. On Tuesday, we invited Larry Smith, Fuquay Commissioner and former police chief, to lecture our students on the dangers of online activity and to offer advice about thinking before you post. We invited him to share his experience as a former SBI agent, police chief, and employer. Here are some key takeaways from his lecture. This is good advice for everyone, not just teenagers. Never […]

How Should Parents Respond to Childhood Stress?

Anxiety has become a much too common occurrence among the younger generation. A report from the APA revealed that Generation Z is less likely to report good mental health in comparison to other generations. Among the young adults in Generation Z, 77% stress about work and 81% stress about money. This should be a warning to parents that our children need to be prepared to handle real-world stress. There will be some cases of anxiety […]

Firm Parenting Pays Dividends

As I was waiting in line one afternoon in a hotel lobby, I observed a toddler having a conniption, as we say in the South. Actually, it was a full-throttle temper-tantrum. The child made it clear that she wanted to ride the motorcycle in the arcade, despite the fact that her father was trying to get on the elevator. When a child throws a temper tantrum in public, it’s awkward for everyone, especially for the […]

A School Performance Check-Up

Now that we are in the routine of the new school year, it would be helpful to evaluate some important aspects of your child’s school performance. It’s not too late to make some improvements that will make a big difference for the rest of the year. Answering these questions will help you evaluate your child’s performance and develop a plan to succeed this school year. Do you know how to communicate with your child’s teacher? […]